Sunday, 4 January 2009

Setting 3G/GPRS IM2 Broom Unlimitted via HP SE K810

Setting 3G/GPRS IM2 Broom Unlimitted via HP SE K810 Before, I have explained how to setting 3G/GPRS from Indosat IM3 via HP Sony Ericsson K810i. Now, I want to try how to setting 3G/GPRS from IM2 Broom Unlimitted utilizing modem HP SE K810i. Basicly, this setting same like setting 3G/GPRS from Indosat IM3.

A. Setting 3G/GPRS on HP
1.First time, you must activate 3G on your HP. Go to, then click "activate your broom here".Window will appear Registration Form screen, click "register account".
2. Fill the blank box in registration form. customer code and activation code can be seen in your IM2 Starter Pack. Choose Broom options accordance with your needs. Then click "submit", window will appear Confirmation Screen.
3. Insert USIM Card IM2 Starter Pack in your HP.
4. Add account in your HP, by click menu --> setting --> connectivity -->data communication --> data account --> new account --> choose PS data (write name as you wish,example IM2)
Setting parameter by filling data below:
APN : indosatm2, write the same username and password you create in activation process (step 2).
5. back to menu,click --> setting --> connectivity --> internet setting --> internet profile --> new profile (write name as you wish). Then write connect using with IM2 (accordance the account name you add in data communication)
6.back to menu --> setting --> connectivity --> data communication --> preferred serviced, choose mode PS DAN CS.
7.Checking with browsing internet in your HP currently.

B. Connection HP to PC
1. Install PC Suite software in your PC. During this process, don't connect HP to PC
2. If it has finished,restart PC and connect your HP using data cable.
3. After windows appear wallpaper, click HP icon (in corner of under desktop,it will appear PC Suite window.
4. Click mobile networking wizard, then click new connection
5. Choose Packet Switced Data then click next. PC will detect and select modem automatically, then click next.
6. Write connection name as you wish. then click next
7. It will appear Service Provider window, click manual mode, click next, then filling data below.

APN : indosatm2, write the same username and password you create in activation process. next step click finish.

8. Open control panel,then select system, click hardware --> device manager --> modems. Click double to items over there. Select advanced, write extra initialization commands with at+cgdcont=1,"ip","indosatm2". Next step, you select diagnostics tab, then click query modems, PC and modem must be connected succesfully. 
9. Back to mobile networking wizard window, then click connect , your PC already to connect internet. GOOD LUCK ^_^

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